On 23 April 2016 Gwent Police hosted the 2016 Special Constabulary National Conference (SC2016). Peter Howells who was in the Specials for over 40 years as well as a member of Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team for 53 years was asked to nominate this year’s charity.

It was Peter’s choice that Central Beacons MRT be the nominated charity for the SC2016 National Special Constabulary Conference.

Sadly Peter died from his terminal illness in January of this year however Penny Brockman, Peter’s wife and Team Leader of Central Beacons and Rachel, Peter’s daughter proudly attended the gala dinner. Thanks to everyone’s generosity over £1,600 was raised in Peter’s memory for Central Beacons.

Thank you again on behalf of Penny, Rachel and the members of CBMRT for giving so generously.